Biking in Monrovia
Monrovia is a great place to ride a bike, and the City is constantly working to improve cycling conditions! Whether it’s through the Monrovia Renewal repairs to our streets and sidewalks, or the installation of bike racks and sharrows throughout town, there’s never been a better time to hop on a bike!
Bicycle Master Plan
The City adopted its Bicycle Master Plan in July 2016, which was amended in June 2018. This plan helps set a vision for how to improve bicycling in Monrovia, with a variety of goals and objectives.
The City’s Bicycle Master Plan is intended to serve as a framework for potential infrastructure improvements, programming opportunities, and policies that can be pursued in Monrovia related to bicycling as an alternative method of transportation. The Plan provides a number of recommendations related to infrastructure and programming that support the Plan’s overall goals of Mobility, Design, Safety, and Programming.
To read more about Monrovia’s Bicycle Master Plan, click here.